2018, Fence Phenomenology

Photography, object

Fence Phenomenology. Varvara Kuzmina
Fence Phenomenology. Varvara Kuzmina
Fence Phenomenology. Varvara Kuzmina
Fence Phenomenology. Varvara Kuzmina

Fence is one of the main symbols of Russia, and the Kremlin Wall is the main fence where the country begins. In Russian cities, fences seem to grow on their own, shaping spaces, compressing and segmenting them, fences spread out as an endlessly repeating pattern. This makes Russian cities impassable and non-transparent; to get from one place to another, people are forced to overcome and detour multiple obstacles. At the same time, the road that becomes an everyday route becomes a blind spot.

The images used in the object were made on an area of 1 square kilometer. The distance from point A to point B is 500 meters, but to get from one to the other you have to cover about 2 kilometers along the fence.

Fence Phenomenology. Varvara Kuzmina

Object for the project “Fence Phenomenology”, Rodchenko Art School of Photography and Multimedia, 2018